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Caring for the Orphans and Weak

According to the Holy Traditions the best Muslim's home is the one wherein an orphan is supported and is treated in a loving and affectionate manner, and the worst is that home wherein an orphan lives and is treated badly or cruelly.

It is related by Sahl ibn Saad (R.A.) that Rasulullah Muhammad (PBUH) said

"Whoever supports an orphan from among his own or any other family, he will be as close to me in Heaven as these fingers are close to each other."

Sahl (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (PBUH) made a motion of his index and middle fingers (while he said this) and there was only a little space between the two. In another Hadith the Holy Prophet (PBUH) made a provision: "provided he is not guilty of an unpardonable sin."

This Hadith explains the status, in the hereafter, of that bondsman who accepts the responsibility of supporting an orphan belonging either to his own family or any other family with whom he has no particular blood tie. Which makes the fact clear that the promise of salvation and entry into paradise is subject to the condition of not committing a misdeed, such as polytheism, murder etc. which is not pardonable.

Abu Hurairah (R.A.) reports that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) stated

"Whoever caresses the head of an orphan (in affection), solely for the sake of Allah, a good deed will be written to his account for every hair over which he passed his hand, and whoever treated an orphan (boy or girl) with goodness and kindness, he and I will be close to each-other in Heaven as these two fingers"

The Prophet (S.A.W.) made a gesture with his fingers as explained above.

It is therefore clear that the glad tidings on showing kindness to orphans are dependent upon the condition that the loving and kindly treatment is wholly with the intention of earning the pleasure of Allah Almighty.

Visiting The Sick And Feeding The Hungry

In a Hadith reported by Abu Moosa Ash'ari (R.A.), The Prophet (S.A.W.) said "Feed the hungry, visit the sick and free the captives."

Besides mention of feeding the hungry - which is a deed of compassion and kind-heartedness, this Hadith also contains an injunction for visiting the sick and obtaining the freedom of those who are (unlawfully) held prisoners."

In common terms visiting the sick' simply denotes enquiring after one's health but here it is used in a broader sense and includes also the caring and arranging of treatment for the sick, if necessary, and if one is able to do so.

The rewards and blessing for these deeds is (once again) very great, and enviable indeed is the lot of those who feel for tie less fortunate brethren and are willing to help them in any possible manner.


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